The drive from Keene to Portland ME was filled with great views.
Alumni were able to find this print for the Nu Xi men.
The top two intiates into the Athletic Hall of Fame are former active brothers of Nu Xi.
Dan J. really loves milk.
Poutine Burger at The Great Bear. Cheese, gravy, potatoes and beef. Can't go wrong.
Student senate met for 2 long hours to decide on University initiatives. Our men have 9 senators on a senate of just over 20. Dan J. and Christian E. are shown here.
University radio station tour with all of its CD's and records. Got free cheesecake and shirt as it was their 40th anniversary.
USM vs. Plymouth state Men's soccer. Ryan J., a brother, captains the soccer team.
Women's Field Hockey USM vs Keene State
Peter Jordan was able to recognize the men being inducted before hand enough to find tickets for Nu Xi brothers and myself. So glad to share that time with his family and the inductees. President Kalikow speaks about the importance of athletics.
Mike Fish, Men's Soccer captain for 3 years in a row, Nu Xi '95
Phil Gerolstein, Ice Hockey, Nu Xi '98
The man in the middle, we realized after he was awarded with athletic's highest honor, was the chartering president at USM, Charlie Gordon Nu Xi '69. He received the Richard A. Costello Special Achievement Award for his time as a basketball player and coach at the University.
The Past Meets Present Founders
Left to right, young men: Josh(VP of Finance), Ryan J., and Christian E.
Right after the induction I met up with brothers who were amped and ready to take on a pie eating contest. This was sponsored by the university's events board.
Michael H. getting down to business with an apple pie.
The winner is announced, sadly not one of our men, though they tried hard. Full hearts, full stomachs.
Somehow Dan ended up with a blueberry pie.
As you may know, Nu Xi has adopted the persona as pumpkins. They wear more orange than black, as most chapters do.
Brotherhood is when you like all of your brother's profile pictures.
Lobster quesadilla: thanks Maine.
I had an awesome time working the Nu Xi. These men are highly motivated and involved on campus. They represent our letters with pride and a humble awareness that speaks volumes. Chartering is in their future as long as hard work continues. They'll need to continue making progress after chartering so that we can all be a part of a great legacy at the University of Southern Maine Portland-Gorham.
They are excelling with outreach and PR, contact them for ideas if needed. The campus only supports 7 organizaitons, 5 fraternities and 2 sororities, all of which belong to one council. Several of our men sit on the executive board. Christian E. is working to accommodate the addition of a Panhellenic Council and more sororities.