Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I am a recruiting machine.. and here's why

I just got over 100 names within an hour.

I'll tell you what, it was easier than you think. How many of you men want to have a better relationship with the organizations on your campus? I bet it's a pretty high number of you.

You, as a leader or student or fraternity man, have the ability to do what I just did.

I contacted the sororities, fraternities and several other student organizations on campus and asked to present. Today, I met with Zeta Tau Alpha, FIJI, Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Xi Delta.

ZTA and Theta were within an hour and I spent less than ten minutes presenting.

I walked out of each of those chapters with more than 100 names each.

First, I brought some type of gift..candy, coffee or flowers.

Second, I researched them a little bit. I knew I needed to know philanthropy, flower and other general information.

Third, I'm offering the organization which refers the most men(who actually join) 500 bucks to their philanthropy. What if this is what you used your recruitment budget for?

Fourth, show up. Dress up! Say hi to the people you know. And if you don't know anyone, chat with a person who may be able to give you some information, then add it into your talk. I met a woman who was excited to be taking over alumni networking just before the presentation. I used her name and gave her a positive plug in front of 70 women. In other words, find ways to get the people interactive with your presentation. You don't need a PowerPoint.

Fifth, talk excitedly about what your organization is planning and doing. They want to know what kind of group you are. Practice this beforehand because you must buy into what you're saying.

Sixth, initiate the name harvest! "Do you all remember when you received your bid? Aw, man. That was a great feeling. I felt so honored and happy. I want to bring that feeling to more people on this campus. I want all of Greek Life to grow. Help me do that. The number one reason why people do not join us is because they were never asked. Can you give me the names of men that should be asked to join? Men who are academically excellent, high caliber,  and service minded." Hand out 3x5 cards and let them at it.

I have advantages as a full time recruiter. But this can be adapted for you. I promise. I'm up to 350 names in a single week. That's nearly 10 percent of this campus and I've just begun.

What is stopping you? What excuses are you making?


  1. Great post - truly something to not only to think over but put into practice as well! Keep up the great work!

  2. Do you have any advice for an introvert in maintaining energy and enthusiasm - specifically in large groups of people?

  3. I second Joeys comment. @Anonymous If you find yourself uncomfortable at the larger scale, focus on a few members and interact with them 1 on 1. This will allow you to stay comfortable with them and make positive connections crucial to recruiting. Be interested in what they're about. Caring is the first step to showing someone you want to create a bond.

  4. Self care. Self care. Self care. If you know you will be doing large presentations, make sure you prepare and expect the lack of energy afterward. Take some alone time or whatever activity gets your energy level back up. Anonymous above has a great idea, getting to know members one-on-one is a great way to make the room feel smaller/less chaotic.
